Há não muito tempo um grupo sortudo assistiu a uma exibição de teste de Esquadrão Suicida. As reações foram bastante positivas, com adjetivos como "insano" e "incrível." Mas o filme caiu não apenas nas graças dos fãs, como também da Warner Bros., que já está planejando filmes da Arlequina e do Capitão Bumerangue.
E a maré positiva continua, pois após outra exibição de teste na Califórnia nesse fim de semana, as reações ao longa de David Ayer continuam positivas.
Algumas das pessoas que estiveram na exibição da Califórnia postaram suas opiniões no Twitter e Reddit. Veja abaixo as mensagens e não precisa se preocupar, não temos spoilers:
soyodu (Reddit)
This was an advanced screening where we didn’t know what the movie was. Initially I thought it was Trek, IDR or Bourne, until the NDA said Warner Brothers on it. I will tell you there was NO standing ovation, but a decent amount of people clapped in the end. In fact, when they first told us we were going to see a screening of the movie, pretty much the whole theater cheered and screamed.
At the end, probably only half clapped…which doesn’t mean the other half didn’t like it, but if this was like a thursday night showing with fanboys, I have no doubt it would have been a much bigger applause…
This is an unfinished cut. There was lots that I really liked, good action, pacing (for the most part). But as I’ve said there were 2 characters who had a decent sized role in the plot/story that did not connect with me. I could care less about them. They tried for an emotional scene and yea…didn’t work.
But yes, walking out, I’ve heard a few people raving about it, and a few just good/pretty good. The person I was sitting next to came with his family and he didn’t even know the movie after they announced it (older guy) and he said it was ok. I didn’t stick around to hear if anyone had anything bad to say.
Malachim (Reddit)
You will like every single member of the Squad, with Harley (obviously) stealing the show. She’s a star and everyone will love her. This is the type of movie that demands a sequel.
I’m sure critics will find ways to hate it (it’s basically a gritty action movie with comic book characters and a Hot Topic aesthetic, which honestly might turn critics off), but DC fans will like it. The BIG thing is that the movie literally saves DCEU Batman. This Batman is BTAS personified.
Just Saw #SuicideSquad in Sacramento. #BlownAway David Ayer is a damned genius.— Spencer Dennison (@ThrowAway123157) 3 de junho de 2016
— Spencer Dennison (@ThrowAway123157) 3 de junho de 2016
Looking back at the @ScottEastwood rumors is pretty comical.— Spencer Dennison (@ThrowAway123157) 3 de junho de 2016
Saw an early screening of Suicide Squad. It blew my mind. Best DC movie I've ever seen!— Scott C (@Jeffrey_Scott41) 3 de junho de 2016
O que se nota é que as pessoas por hora não parecem tão eufóricas, mas que elas estão satisfeitas com o que viram. Detalhe: enquanto a primeira exibição aparentemente foi mais para fãs da DC, essa exibição foi para um público aleatório, então essas reações acabam sendo mais interessantes e mais neutras. Mas como todos ficaram assombrados pelo efeito Batman vs Superman, vamos respirar e aguardar.
É fato que as pessoas estão bem mais confiantes em Esquadrão Suicida do que o longa de Snyder, também vale notar. Mas como estamos há dois meses da estreia, a hora do vamos ver não está tão longe. No Brasil é dia 4 de agosto.
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